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Most Dining Services locations will be closed during Spring Recess (March 15-23). View special hours of operation.

Simple Servings and Mindful

Simple Servings provides safe and appetizing food choices for our customers with food allergies, gluten intolerance, and those who prefer simple foods. Simple Servings stations can be found at Café Evansdale, Hatfields and Summit Café.

Simple Servings

College is complicated enough - enjoying a meal at a dining hall shouldn’t be. But, choosing meals can present undue anxieties for students with food allergies. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, teenagers and young adults with food allergies are at the highest risk of fatal food-induced anaphylaxis.

Simple Servings is an innovative solution to proactively address most of the ingredients that account for 90% of all food-allergy reactions. Simple Servings also recognizes the current skyrocketing demand for gluten-free foods, which certain students may require out of medical necessity (celiac disease) or simply by choice. Simple Servings also appeals to students who prefer plain and simple foods and those with other health-related dietary concerns, such as Type I diabetes.

With Simple Servings, students can comply with food allergy or other dietary concerns without feeling singled out. They won’t have to go off campus for their meals or miss out on dining with their friends while waiting for the chef to specially prepare their meals. All foods offered at the Simple Serving station are naturally free of milk, eggs, wheat, soy, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame and gluten. Straightforward preparation techniques assure transparency of ingredients, and help students prepare to be responsible for their own shopping and cooking in the future. Lunch and dinner menus change daily and include varied protein options: fish, beef, pork, chicken and turkey. All side dishes are vegan, containing no milk, eggs, or meat products.

Staff Training

Ingredients, recipes and menus for foods eliminating gluten and allergens are only half of the equation. Procedures, training and intentional communication to eliminate cross-contact with gluten and allergen foods are essential. Building on the base of long-standing policies on prevention of allergic reactions and customer communications, Simple Servings includes standard mandatory trainings on food allergens and customer communications, as well as specific training materials. If you have questions, contact Dining Services.


WVU Dining Services is committed to creating healthy environments for our customers. Central to this effort is providing healthy, nutritious foods. Mindful focuses on transparency of ingredients, delicious food, satisfying portions and clarity in message so that making Mindful choices becomes second nature.

Offerings at the Mindful station in all dining halls have fewer calories, less fat and are restricted in sodium and cholesterol. Enjoy satisfying portions and great taste while getting the nutritional benefits.