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Eating Disorder Resources

Everyone deserves support for their eating concerns. These resources can help you take the first step to getting the help you deserve.

Resources for WVU Students

Dietitian Services

WVU Dining Services' registered dietitian is here to help you achieve your nutritional and wellness goals and overcome dietary challenges. They offer intuitive eating counseling, body image counseling and more.

While the dietitian can recognize disordered eating and provide intuitive eating counseling, a referral to a specialized eating disorder therapist will be recommended to students who need this type of therapy.

Dietitian Services

Collegiate Recovery

The WVU Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP) supports students in recovery by promoting a healthy, balanced and meaningful life on campus. They hold Eating Disorder Support Group meetings each week that offer support, encouragement and a safe space for sharing to anyone who identifies as having an eating disorder, experiences disordered eating or body image concerns.

Collegiate Recovery

Outpatient Services in West Virginia

WVSL Behavioral Health Services

Clinical Therapist, Sina King-Smith, offers telehealth and in-person appointments at 235 High Street (Suite 311) in Morgantown. She offers personalized treatment plans in a compassionate and non-judgmental setting. To make an appointment, call 304-413-4301 or email

WVSL Behavioral Health

The WVU Disordered Eating Center of Charleston (DECC)

This center is an interprofessional outpatient treatment program that provides services for youth and adults with disordered eating and clinical eating disorders. DECC does not provide any type of weight loss treatment, since this is misaligned with all evidence-based and best practice treatment approaches for people with eating disorders. After all, intentional restrictive dieting can cause or exacerbate disordered eating behavior.

WVU Disordered Eating Center of Charleston

Eating Disorder Interdisciplinary Treatment (EDIT) Clinic

The WVU Medicine EDIT clinic helps children and adolescents dealing with eating disorders. EDIT’s multi-disciplinary treatment team includes psychiatrists, dietitians, pediatricians, and therapists specializing in adolescent medicine. They use cognitive behavior therapy and family counseling throughout the recovery process. They are located at their Healthy Minds - Research Ridge office in Morgantown.

Those who will benefit from the EDIT clinic include those with:

  • Issues around eating
  • Not eating, or eating very little
  • Eating large amounts of food
  • Guilt or shame around eating
  • Loss of control around food
  • Secretive eating
  • Excessive and/or rigid exercise routines
  • Fears of getting fat
  • Low body weight
  • Misuse of certain medications (laxatives, diuretics, or diet pills)
  • Rigid rules around eating
  • Vomiting following meals
Eating Disorder Interdisciplinary Treatment Clinic

Out-of-State Alternative Treatment Options

The Renfrew Center

The Renfrew Center offers residential, daytime and virtual treatment, as well as outpatient and intensive outpatient services. Renfrew is committed to tailoring care to treat the following:

  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Bulimia Nervosa
  • Binge Eating Disorder
  • Disordered Eating (OSFED)
  • Diabulimia
  • Orthorexia

For more information, reach out to a program specialist at 1-800-RENFREW (736-3739).

The Renfrew Center

Bright Heart Health

Bright Heart Health offers comprehensive eating disorder treatment for Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating and other unspecified eating disorders. Each client is assigned a multi-disciplinary team of experts in eating disorders treatment and is treated virtually from the safety and comfort of their home.

Bright Heart Health Services

Additional Resources