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Skip Lines: Biometric Scanner Program

Skip the lines with a wave of your hand. The West Virginia University Dining Services and Information Technology Services (ITS) teams are collaborating on a new voluntary program that will allow students, faculty and staff with dining plans on the Morgantown campus to use unique biometric data to quickly gain access to Hatfields in the Mountainlair and charge meals to their dining account.

The program is designed to enhance the overall dining experience for students, faculty and staff by reducing lines and wait times. Rather than swiping a card and waiting for a cashier, participants in the program can get in and out of Hatfields much faster by using the scanners. In time, additional scanners may be added to other Dining Services locations based on response to the program.

A student taps their Mountaineer ID card on the MorphoWave scanner to enter Hatfields

Get Started.

  1. Enroll in the program. Visit and accept the terms and conditions for using the biometric hand scanners. Then visit an ITS Service Center (located in the Mountainlair and the basement of Bennett Tower) to complete the enrollment process.
  2. Get Scanned. After ensuring you have accepted the terms and conditions, a Service Center agent will scan your right and left hands to capture your unique hand geometry. The agent also will capture your fingerprint as an additional personal identifier.
  3. Wave and Go! At the turnstiles near the Hatfields cashier counter, place either your right or left hand over the biometric scanner to gain access and charge meals to your dining account.

Questions? View the Biometric Scanner Program FAQ. You may also contact an ITS Service Center.